Gentle Laxative Action: Experience Healthy Elimination With The Gentle Yet Effective Laxative Action Of Bibhitaki A Key Ingredient In Our Organic India Triphala Formula
Balanced Gut Health: Support Your Gut Health With Haritaki Known In Ayurveda For Its Ability To Promote Healthy Bowel Movement And Balance All Three Doshas Ensuring Digestive Harmony
Time Tested Digestive Comfort: Enjoy Centrumuries Old Digestive Support With Our Triphala Formula Trusted For Its Ability To Promote Digestive Comfort And Efficiency
Nutritious Rejuvenation: Nourish Your Body And Mind With The Rejuvenating Power Of Superfruit Amla With Nourishing Bioactives And Antioxidant Activity To Support Overall Health And Vitality
Organic And Wildcrafted: Enjoy Pure Cleansing And Digestive Rejuvenation With Organic Herbs Wildcrafted And Handpicked In Lush Protected Wild Forests In India