Ingredient : Papita (Carica Papaya), Kela (Musa Sapientum), Khajoor (Phoenix Dactylifera), Neem (Melia Azadiradrachita), Methi (Trgonelia Foenum Graecum), Yasad Bhasm (Zincum), Ban Haldi (Curcuma Aromatica), Aam Beej (Magnifela Indica), Bees Wax, Gun Acacia (Acacia Arabica), Moongphali (Archis Hypogea), Himalayan Water Q.S.
- Unclogs blocked skin pore reducing acne and blemishes considerably
- Removes dead skin cells ensuring a radiant blemish-free glow
- Gently exfoliates the skin to make it clean and clear
- Contains Apricot seed powder that has anti-ageing and antioxidant benefits