Wonder Vaporizer - The Wonder vaporizer is a must have in every household because of the number of benefits that it offers in such a compact packaging. When a person has cold or a sinus problem, it is difficult to get a good night’s sleep because of congestion or breathlessness.
Wonder vaporisers’ unique design enables soothing steam to penetrate into your nasal blocks and unclogs them, thus helping one breathe freely and with much ease. Steam has been proven to be healing and therapeutic.however this only when done in a hygienic and bacteria free way and that’s what makes Wonder vaporiser better than any design available in the market.
Every family member can use the Wonder vaporizer without having to worry about exchanging bacteria. The Wonder vaporiser can be used to gain beauty benefits for a fraction of the price of spas and parlours at home as one can steam ones face and also the hair cuticles. Steaming opens the pores and thus Wonder vaporizer helps get rid of a pollutant that make the skin dull and dry and leaves skin glowing and supple. Steaming the hair makes hair healthier looking and Wonder vaporiser gives you all of these benefits in a sturdy, safe and easy to use medium.
The Wonder vaporizer is travel size and can be carried and packed in the smallest of spaces where it will fit snugly for therapeutic benefits wherever you go.
- Do not use RO water as it stops the steam generation process.
- Design- Steam Sauna vaporizer is designed in a unique way, made up of plastic body, which is shock free and light.
- The product is made of plastic and will have smell during initial usage.
- Please wash the vapourizer with lukewarm water twice before first use to avoid such odour.
- Relieve Cold- Nasal steamer is provided to promote relief from cold, throat infection and congestion problems.
- You can add inhalants to the vaporizers like Eucalyptus Essential Oil and other medicines.
- For Inhalation Treatment : To get Relief from ailments like common cold cough , stuffy nose, headaches, sinusitis & bronchitis etc.