New Design Tricycle can be assembled according to your kid’s age so it can be used for a long period of time. The 4-in-1 Trike is the ultimate grow-with-me trike. It offers 4 ways to ride, to accommodate ages 12 months to 3 years: it easily converts from an infant trike to a steering trike, learn-to-ride-trike, and finally a classic trike. The 4-in-1 Trike features safety features for the youngest riders. unique stroller-style for older riders.
- LEARNING THROUGH PLAY FROM THE AGE OF 12 MONTH - Children want to be independent and gain new skills. Tricycle easy twist is dedicated for children from 1 to 3 year
- Wheels : EVA | Seat Belt | Foot rest
- Rear Storage
- Discovery Trike With Turning handle bar with side safety bracket and canopy for sun protection.