Gorilla Mode Nitric you can expect a massive increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels, vasodilation, intracellular hydration and as significant of a boost in muscle strength and endurance as you can get from a legal non-hormonal pre-workout. This product is maxed out from all angles.
The traditional Arginine–eNOS–nitric oxide (NO) pathway is completely saturated with an unheard of dose of L-Citrulline, as well as topped out dosages of Nitrosigine and Agmatine Sulfate for good measure.
Over a gram of nitrates (via NO3-T® Sodium Nitrate) also ensures that the nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide (NO) pathway is taken care of. NO3‐T® is a registered trademark of ThermoLife International, LLC.
Intracellular hyper-hydration is best-in-class too with a huge dose of Creatine Monohydrate, Glycerpump and Betaine Anhydrous to volumize the muscle and support performance and pumps.
Inhibiting the enzyme angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) with a clinical dose of VasoDrive-AP® also checks off another pathway to push the boundaries on supraphysiological levels of vasodilation.
Finally, a high dose of Malic Acid was included for good measure to act as a Krebs cycle intermediary and support greater levels of muscular endurance.
- 10,000 MG PURE L-CITRULLINE - The ONLY pre-workout in the entire industry featuring the maximum effective dosage of PURE L-Citrulline that IS NOT artificially inflated with Malic Acid on the label (with Citrulline Malate, you're only getting 1/2
- 5000 MG CREATINE MONOHYDRATE : includes your full daily saturation dose of Creatine. Creatine has shown time and time again to significantly improve strength, power output and muscle size
- 4000 MG BETAINE ANHYDROUS : endurance and power
- 1500 MG NITROSIGINE : shown to be as effective as 8000 mg of Citrulline Malate 2:1
- 1500 MG AGMATINE SULFATE: Agmatine selectively increases the expression of eNOS to flood the muscle with even more blood.
- 1500 MG SODIUM NITRATE : The traditional Arginine–eNOS–nitric oxide (NO) pathway is what most NO precursors focus on.
- ORANGE KRUSH Exploding with a bold orange flavor that tastes just like orange soda.