Happy Tree Friends is an animated series from the United States. The main content of this series is a small story about a group of cute little animals in the forest. The animals have different personalities, and their images are innocent and cute. However, the animation plot is cruel , with a strong taste, forming a strong contrast with the immature image of the animals, and has a unique shock.
【 Features 】: Professional quality, high-quality filling and fine workmanship.
【 Filling 】: Filled with imported PP cotton, safe and environmentally friendly, with a soft and comfortable feel and full filling.
【 Material 】: High quality short plush (the external fabric is imported Yari velvet, which does not shed hair, does not pilling, and does not cause any skin irritation).
【 Tip 】 Due to the possibility of compressed packaging during transportation, the product may appear dry and shrunk. You can gently tap the plush to slowly restore the toy to its original state.
【Size】Please refer to the title remarks.