The Deluxe Mini Blush Bouquet Blush is a travel-friendly, miniature size of the bestselling Blush Bouquet Duo. The blushes offer two shimmering shades of Marigold (golden peach) and Rose Petal (light coral) that are enriched with Vitamin-E to nourish and protect your skin from damage. If you're looking for the perfect, natural flush, apply a dusting of one shade or layer the two together for ultimate dimension. The size of a credit card, this mini palette also saves space in your bag and conveniently includes a mirror.
In Marigold and Rose Petal - warm shimmering golden peach & cool shimmering light coral
Vegan and cruelty-free
Free of parabens, sulfates, phthalates, gluten, and talc
0.28 oz x 2
This item is not available to ship to Australia, New Zealand, Germany
Revolve Style No. JCOS-WU79
Manufacturer Style No. BLBD-RG
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