With HUAWEI Scale 3, you can get comprehensive understanding of your physical conditions with the 11 body indicators1. With more details shown, more changes are possible. Under the same weight, fat is about 3 times the size of muscle. That’s why people with a higher body fat rate look bigger. Meanwhile, low skeletal muscle rate makes it difficult to lose weight as well. Keep track of your body fat rate and receive skeletal muscle assessments with the HUAWEI Scale 3. Losing weight can be professional too. With HUAWEI TruFit, a body composition model codeveloped by Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huawei, every measurement is scientifically guided.
- a detailed body composition analysis will be generated for your convenience
- You can adjust your workout mode and Customise fatburning plan accordingly
- Ultra slim and flat for easy storage virtually anywhere
- Sparkling and stylish exterior that will help you to be a center of attraction