NOTE:The cape does not poke holes , everyone has different place to Hair coloring. A needle included to poke holes before using it .Get Professional style highlights at home for a fraction of the cost with this flexible, durable and completely reusable hair highlighting. Made from high grade silicone that is shaped for a comfortable fit. The highlighting cap can be used over and over again. The cap is supplied with a rounded metal hook that is used to pull your hair through the ready made perforations in the cap.
- NOTE:The cape does not poke holes , everyone has different place to Hair coloring. A needle included to poke holes before using it .
- Made from high grade silicone that is shaped for a comfortable fit
- Get Professional style highlights at home for a fraction of the cost with this flexible, durable and completely reusable hair highlighting
- The cap is supplied with a rounded metal hook that is used to pull your hair through the ready made perforations in the cap
- Ideal for those who traditionally like to use the Highlighting Cap for high-lightning the hair.