Spins 30% faster than other Spinbrush Kids brushes, BUILT-IN TIMMER: 2 minute timer and 30 second pacer to keep kids brushing longer, NON-SLIP GRIP: Textured grip makes it easy for kids to hold, REPLACABLE HEADS: Save money and plastic with replacement brush heads, BATTERIES INCLUDED: Toothbrush includes two (2) replaceable AA batteries
- Spins 30% faster than other Spinbrush Kids brushesBUILT-IN TIMMER: 2 minute timer and 30 second pacer to keep kids brushing longerNON-SLIP GRIP: Textured grip makes it easy for kids to holdREPLACABLE HEADS: Save money and plastic with replacement brush headsBATTERIES INCLUDED: Toothbrush includes two (2) replaceable AA batteries