Ultra Whey COMPLEX Volactive® 2000 grams Coconut Explosion Description Yamamoto® Nutrition Ultra Whey COMPLEX Volactive® contains concentrated whey proteins and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP isolate, by cross flow ultrafiltration and microfiltration, it DOES NOT contain collagen or other elements that alter the quality and VB of the product. Yamamoto® Nutrition Ultra Whey COMPLEX Volactive® is a great-tasting drink with over 23g of protein * derived from concentrated whey protein and isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP quality microfiltration. Ratio 50% isolated Volactive® Ultra Whey XP 50% concentrated. Ultra Whey COMPLEX DOES NOT CONTAIN among the ingredients listed on the label: palm oil, maltodextrin, xanthan gum, carrageenan, or amino acids in free form. ONLY concentrated whey proteins isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP quality microfiltration
- 100% instantly soluble whey protein concentrate
- Very high biological value and high protein content (70-85%)
- Ideal for enriching snacks and breakfasts
- Complete with all essential and branched-chain amino acids (EAAs and BCAAs)
- Enriched with Bacillus spores for maximum nutrient assimilation and vitamin B6