Funko Pop! Animation: Boruto - Kawaki is a highly collectible vinyl figure from the popular anime series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. This figure stands approximately 3 ¾ inches tall and features Kawaki in his iconic outfit. The stylized design captures the essence of the character, making it a perfect addition to any Boruto fan's collection. The figure comes in an attractive window box packaging, ready for display.
- From the hit Animation: Boruto- Kawaki comes all your favorite characters as stylized Pop! vinyl figures from Funko!
- Figure measures approximately 3 ¾ inches tall - the perfect size for your office desk, home bookshelf and so much more!
- Stylized vinyl figure is sure to stand out in any collection!
- Show off your figure in or out of its attractive window box packaging!
- Add this figure to your personal collection or gift it to the Animation: Boruto- Kawaki fan in your life!