Tablet tripod stand made of Iron and PVC, tablet holder with rubber padding base protects your devices, non-slip and scratch-free. Noted that need to slap the tablet holder down by hand till hearing a nice snap when assembling. Then it won't drop. Tablet Stand fits iPad Air 10.5",iPad Pro 11", iPad Pro 12.9", Samsung Galaxy Tab A, Google Nexus 10/11, Surface Pro, Lenovo Miix, and more 9.5-14.5 inch tablet devices. Note: If using an Ipad protective case, please make sure that the size is 9.5-14.5 inches after using the case. Allowing height adjustment from 20 to 60 inches according to your needs. 360-degree ball joint allows you to adjust the tablet to any angle and position, providing the most comfortable viewing angles and ergonomic eye-level height. The tripod offers a collapsible design where the handle rotates down, the legs contract, and folds to a short, compact size. Coming with a carry bag for easy portability and safe storage. This iPad support stand can be used in a of areas of the home, office, school, seminars, large event venues, etc. You can comfortably watch videos, read the news, watch pictures, recipes, music scores, and more. Release your hands and enjoy your time.